Sunday, August 12, 2007

Welcome to Prague...

The land of woefully undersized and inadequate pricks..yes you read that correctly. So far, I have met a bunch of real assholes here, and not one person that has been truly nice. I am hoping that this will be remedied shortly, but no such luck yet. I do not have much time to post right now, but will post more later.
...I would put an exclamation mark there, but I do not know how to make them. Or apostrophes. Or parentheses. And the z and y are switched. These keyboards suck.


Griffin Girl said...

A friendly hello from your buddy jen!! loving your blog so far!!! hope you have luck sprting through all those pricks! :)

Tina said...

Write more!!! :-)
I want to hear about Prague, your arrival in Siena, and the PALIO!!!