Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Off to the airport

I am finally finished packing (I THINK my backpack is 44lbs. exactly) and will be leaving for the airport soon. I'm starting to get really nervous, just that last minute "oh crap, did I remember this?" and "please don't let the security line be too long!".
Once I get through all of that though, and realize that of the stuff that I DO forget I can probably replace relatively easily, I'll be able to settle into my seat on the airplane and cue me up some Hot Fuzz (oh, come on, it's a movie by the makers of Shaun of the Dead, get your mind out of the gutter).
So, I will continue to stress for now and try and get over my hangover (damn beer!) and later it will all be worth it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Touch down yet? We want to know how the cavity search went ;/